The Millennial generation is misunderstood and actively criticized. It covers people that are born around between the dates 1982 and 2004, usually characterized as materialistic, super tech-savvy and self-centered.
When compared with the previous generations, it is easy to see that millennials behave in a different way. This is noticeable in the investment pattern that appears. A successful millennial investor has the following needs that they see as necessary for achieving success. This will help you to understand the situation of the generation in a much better way.
Millennial Investors Want Freedom
When compared with the other generations, millennials do not dream to retire early and to sit in an exotic location. They have a focus put on spending money on items that are important for them. The millennial is aware and conscious of values. Many do not want to retire really early and the main focus is put on an ability to spend more time doing things that the individual loves like business, travel or family.
Millennials want to have as much freedom as possible in their life. They do think about retirement but the main focus is freedom. Money stands out as the main road towards the freedom that is desired.
Millennial Investors Want A Job They Love
Most of the millennials are entrepreneurial in nature. They do want to love the job that they do. Young people no longer think about working for one firm for 40 years. They are going to quickly change jobs if there are things that they do not enjoy. As a bare minimum, the individual in this age group wants to be involved in a career that is liked. In many situations, when this career is not found, a company is opened.
Millennials Need A Work-Life Balance
This is not just a desire. For many, it is a true need. There is this constant search for a perfect balance between work and life. When this balance does not exist, problems appear. The millennial is not happy and this will be seen almost instantly.
The Bottom Line
The millennials are a brand new type of investors. They do not want to retire when they hit an age. They want to keep going and they do want to travel, enjoy themselves. Many of the millennials care about the environment and want to change the world. They want independence, flexibility and autonomy. This is important since it highlights the personality of the investor from this age group.