How To Write A Successful Digital Marketing Resume

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Written By Boris Dzhingarov






There are so many out there that create great social media campaigns, branding messages and ads and still do not get the job calls that they need to climb the career ladder. The truth is that you need a really good digital marketing resume since this industry is highly competitive. The resume will most likely be screened out even before a human reads it so you need to know how to build a really good one.

In order to help you out, we will give you some tips that will teach you how to write a successful digital marketing resume. You will surely appreciate everything that you learn from this article.

Know The Target Audience


Just as you need to know the target audience when you start your marketing campaign, you need to know the audience when you write a resume. If you realize who will end up reading it, the shape can be created accordingly.

Think about the firm that you currently want to work for. Is it an agency that already has a digital marketing team that is in place or a small firm that wants to leverage social media power? Maybe you are sending your resume to a really large corporation that need a lot of analytics work to be done.

As you figure out what the ideal employer is for you, the resume can be carefully targeted. Take advantage of the skills you have and always figure out what your audience is.

Showcase What Makes You Valuable


The audience has to see exactly what makes you valuable and unique. You surely have a skills, characteristics and experience set that is unique. That is what makes you difference. You can only write an effective digital marketing resume as you define that unique blend.

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Some digital marketers have a stronger knowledge about Google Plus. Others have huge successes with viral videos. No matter what makes you stand out, it is important that you know exactly what to bring forth. This has to be combined with figuring out what the best company is for you so that you can fit in perfectly and add real value.

Do You Have A Resume Marketing Strategy?


No digital marketer out there creates a campaign without having a strategy in mind. With this in mind, you have to know that the recruiter will not respond to the resume if there is no resonation visible. You have to strategize the message, just like promoting something online.

Think about the best digital marketing structure, the perfect keywords that should be highlighted and offer real world examples that add value to the proposition. Reinforce your message through adequate design and layout.

Beat Computer Automated Systems

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Many of the employers use applicant tracking software in order to screen out the best candidates before humans get to see them. Keyword scans achieve this. If the resume is uploaded, there is a pretty good possibility it will be scanned for a set of relevant keywords.

This basically means that you have to be sure you added the appropriate keywords. Note all the digital marketing skills that you have, all the social sites you use, the CRM systems or analytics systems you know, the SAAS systems you can use and all the software programs you can use. Never omit anything. Add a new section to the digital marketing resume that showcases digital marketing skills. Include al that you just noted.

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