New York City’s Best Paying Jobs

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Written By Boris Dzhingarov






They say that when you can make it working in New York City, you will have no problems anywhere else. We are faced with the one city that everyone in the business world keeps talking about when referring to USA. The employment rate in New York City is great and you can actually find some of the very best options that you could in the country. The money offered for most jobs is higher than in other US cities but some jobs are obviously better than others. This is what we will focus on right now. Any of the following careers is great and can be considered.

IT Professionals

IT Professionals

This one should be pretty obvious because of the fact that hiring IT professionals is something that is growing all around USA. As an example, salaries for software developers will most likely grow by over 35% by the year 2020 based on reports offered by NYSDL. New York City is definitely a hub for international trade and commerce, being a strong financial sector center leading towards positive growth outlook and highly competitive edges.



This is quite an attractive career path for people that live or that want to live in the country. We have positive growth outlook, a really appealing working environment and high salary potential. When looking at NYC, we have a median salary of around $120,000, with a growth expected to be of around 9% till the year 2020.



The accountants that are necessary in the metro NYC area are really appreciated and the growth noticed in this sector in the following 20 years should be of around 14%. Median annual salary is already around $20,000 more than what the annual average is, at around $85,000 per year.

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We should highlight that the commerce and financial sectors are currently placing an extra importance on the work of data analysts. The projected growth rate for this part of the industry is of around 25%. Market research analyst growth that we expect is even higher, at close to 35%.

HR Professionals

HR Professionals

As New York City is a booming business region, there are millions of people that work in really busy office buildings. The HR professionals are thus in really high demand since they are necessary to oversee day-to-day business operations. We can clearly notice that the HR professionals that now work in New York City have a median annual salary of close to $120,000, which is definitely quite a lot as compared to other regions.

Construction Jobs

Construction Jobs

Because of the booms noticed in commerce and the financial sector, we can see that there is an increase in hiring noticed in the metro region. Constructions are constantly going up and we thus have increases in salaries all across the board. The economic rebound is obvious and out of all the careers that exist in the industry, the construction managers reap the most benefits. The current median annual salary stands at around $105,000 but we should have a growth of close to 10% by the year 2020.